Wednesday 27 February 2013


Cancer, that feared word every person dreads to hear. Very recently two of
my close older friends passed away, both had cancer. I felt helpless,while they
were ill, I cannot describe the anger I felt that I did not have the knowledge
or wisdom to pass on to my friends.
So I started to investigate all the various treatments, available for cancer.
It is VERY SPECIALIZED for each type of cancer, some of the 
modern day medical treatments are very advanced, no doubt they work, but
sometimes the treatment fails or the cancer returns.
I soon realized it would take me years of study, to even understand all the
varieties of treatments available today.
Then one day I stumbled upon an on line article, all about a elderly gent who was told
by his cancer specialist, his treatment was no longer working, and he should
go home and tell his family to prepare for the end. But...............Windsor oncologist,
Dr.Caroline Hamm asked if he would try one more thing?.
The Dr. Hamm said she had  patients try
to cure themselves with a plant remedy, and indeed had patients showing
up cured after taking it. That plant was DANDELION ( TARAXACUM ).

Photo credit; John R Arrowsuch

So the patient returned home, and made Dandelion tea, and drank the tea for
three month's, he returned to the hospital, who had told him three month's
earlier he was about to die, only to be told his cancer had vanished, he was cured!.
Dr Hamm passed her findings on to a fellow research Biochemist Dr.Pandey.
biochemistDr. Pandey
He was surprised to find when he extracted the Dandelion ingredients out, and
placed cancer cells into the solution, the cancer cells died, but when they
placed human cells into the Dandelion solution they were untouched and remained viable.
Which would mean this could potentially, be a very safe treatment for people.
Dandelion has been consumed and eaten for centuries, the root for coffee or tea, and the leaves
for salads and even the stalks. It may be that the weed Dandelion, that every
gardener has dug up and weeded out, turns out to be, our most precious plant.


Dandelion plant parts

 The Dandelion clock

Be sure to look at this link to see what vitamins and minerals
Dandelions contain. 

Many others have also found a cure from the Dandelion. In history the Irish used to
regularly eat the wild Dandelion, and cancer was less common in their communities.
But now in modern times cancer is much more common. It could be a good
indicator of how powerful this plant really is, It may be time to look at this plant again.
But if your cancer treatment is not working for you, and you are told there is nothing else left to do, it could be time for plan B or plan DANDELION.

It grows in all the UK, but make sure you identify it correctly before you consume any.
Always ask your Doctor before you take it, Dandelion can react with certain drugs, so
best to ask your Doctor or chemist if in doubt.

If you cannot harvest Dandelion yourself from your garden, try this supplier;  they sell dried Dandelion root, but i would try to get it as fresh as possible, out of mother Earth.
 Remember Dandelion is not a cure for all cancer, Indeed it does not work for every one.
But it could be your first and last line of defense,use it throughout your life.
I have been taking it for some time, it has more vitamin A than beef liver!, so is great for
eye sight, so it is a good all health plant. It is said to cover a very broad spectrum of minerals and vitamins.
Tip; If you decide to grow your own, it is best to pick after two years of growth, and then harvest  in the spring. That way the root and leaves are less bitter, there are brands of Dandelion coffee available on the high Street, but........they only contain about 8 percent Dandelion, and the other ingredients are glucose syrup, not enough to have any effect in battling cancer or supplementing your vitamin, intake.  
I will always tell my friends about the remarkable plant that is the DANDELION.

Your Doctor will tell you it's still being researched. But why wait it is only a culinary
plant with possible curative properties, it will do no harm and has been eaten as salad and drunk as coffee or tea for centuries by many cultures.

Always remember cancer needs to be treated by a qualified Doctor.
If you need to tell your Doctor about the Dandelion treatment then

The above article is in no way medical advise, seek a diagnosis from your Doctor as to what your illness and treatment might require.

This old tree sums up a sentiment shared in my family and possibly yours as regards health and stubbornly hanging on to life? never giving in.

Falling but hanging on. by John Arrowsuch ©

Follow the old tree

" Fall to Nene"

link here for the full article written and photographed by John Arrowsuch............

Please let me know if the links above are broken.

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