Tuesday 19 May 2015


Will-o'the-Wisp.............jack-o'-lantern.............Ignis Fatuus

The above titles all describe, the strange pale Green/Blue, seldom seen light hovering above....

....areas of Marshes and Swamps. Though rarely seen in the UK today, due to most of this country's marshes having been drained for agricultural and farming use.

Will-o'the-wisp. (Artists impression)  © B.Arrowsuch

 Our ancestors who worshiped water, lakes or any body of
 water within the landscape, must have been mesmerized by the
appearance of Ignis fatuus, rising from any waterlogged landscape, is it any wonder folklore, myth and legend, slowly evolved over thousands of Years.

In British folklore it's claimed if you look upon the Will-o'the-Wisp
light, the person looking at it, is compelled to
 follow the light to a DOOMED END.  Hence the meaning; 
IGNIS FATUUS  Medieval Latin translates to; foolish~fire.
Will-o'the-wisp. (Artists impression)  © B.Arrowsuch

Science, has tried to explain this phenomenon, the current theory is that charged or spontaneous ignited methane gas and a combination of Phosphine, created in the presence of
decaying vegetation, containing phosphine and or diphosphane, spontaneously ignites on contact with Oxygen (air), as the gas emanates from swamp,marsh or bog. 
But exactly how and why is still a Worldwide mystery.
See here for a 1893 article;http://www.forgottenbooks.com

All across the world, the common name for these spooky, lights 
has emerged in each country, as follows; 

  • UK>  Will-o'the-Wisp.
  • USA>Spook lights.
  • Ireland>Ferbane. 
  •  Norway> Hessdalen_light.
  • Sweden>Martebo lights
  • Canada; Saskatchewan> St.Louis light.
  • Australia>Min Min light.


  UK regional names

The West Country: Jacky Lantern, Jack-a-Lantern

 Cornwall & Somerset: Joan the Wad 
 Somerset & Devon: Hinky Punk 
 Warwickshire & Gloucestershire: Hobbedy's Lantern 
 Northumberland & North Yorkshire : Jenny with the Lantern
Hertfordshire & East Anglia: The Hobby Lantern 
Wales: Pwca, Ellylldan  
 Lancashire: Peg-a-Lantern
East Anglia: The Lantern Man
Shropshire: Will the Smith
Worcestershire: Pinket
Lowland Scotland: Spunkies
Norfolk: Will o' the Wikes

  Where can you see Will-o'the-Wisp in the UK today.
There have been sightings in the peak District, Bleaklow, shining clough, Longdendale, Dovedale.
Take a camera, and learn night time photography.
Good luck, but......Don't follow the light!!!.


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